Life Right Now: May 2021
Welcome to the first edition of a series I’ve decided to call Life Right Now. I don’t have anything too specific planned for here except that I thought it would be a fun way to chat with all of you on various elements of life not necessarily related to food. Some would consider this a “life lately” type post and I suppose that’s accurate. It’s a snapshot of what’s been going on in my life. A very public journal entry if you will. As someone who has never shied away from sharing information on the Internet, I’m welcoming you to take a peek past the pretty dinners and all of those flower photos I share on Instagram.
If I have learned anything, the phrase “highlight reel” is pretty darn accurate when it comes to Instagram. I find that to be a shame. Why only share the best of the best? Life is made up of countless moments, good and bad, tough and easy, so why are we only sharing the shiniest, brightest moments? From personal experience, I find that my life is richer and I enjoy those shiny moments even more because of the tough stuff. If you never go through something difficult, how will you be able to appreciate the good parts to the fullest? Of course, everyone’s lives are different and one person’s difficult is another’s walk in the park. We cannot compare one life to another. But we definitely should appreciate and value each and every experience. At the end of the day, I too am guilty of sharing a highlight reel on social media. I am also an open book. Please send me a note or reach out any time; I’m always happy to chat about anything and everything.
Wow. This got a lot more serious than I had intended. Whoops. However, I have found that the words flow fastest when I’m being honest and just…talk. How I feel about social media and how it affects my life is not intended to be a secret. The days I post less frequently and share fewer stories are definitely my calmer days. My less anxious days. Living in the moment, in real life, off of my phone and amidst family and friends is when I find myself to be happiest and most relaxed. And that’s the truth.
But wait. What about this blog? My IG account? My followers? The years of posts and curated guides and content about gluten free food? Don’t worry. It’s not going anywhere! I’m still going to post and write and share and all of that. But I am going to slow down just a touch. I may take “time off” on the weekends to be even more present during activities. I love taking (and sharing) photos so much; the 80K on my phone are evidence of that passion. I’m not really going to change what I am sharing with all of you, but I am considering a shift in the frequency.
Let’s be real, though. Even more real. I say all of this now and next week may look totally different. I may change my mind. I may stick to this plan. What I do know is that I have found the times I’m “forgetting about” social media to be quite nice. The days I’m not stressing about blog content or preparing certain types of posts in certain timeframes feels good. I’m never looking to add stress, believe me, so I think the steps I’m considering are important. Life is stressful enough. Nowadays I’m looking to add more fun. That sounds nice, don’t you think?
So how does all of this add up to a Life Right Now post? I guess this post is just more about what’s on my mind, right now. The above was the serious part. Let’s get to the fun, or rather, some fun details about life right now. Thank you for reading and being here. I appreciate it so very much.
Now, in no particular order… although most of this is about the house. Surprise, surprise!
While I’m loving our outdoor furniture, I didn’t think about the details of having a glass-top table. I can see my legs while working, or eating, or whatever. Oh well! Placemats cover everything.
Also on that note, pollen is everywhere and I’m cleaning the table and chairs every morning. Jeez. (Fake problem.)
The bunnies and squirrels in our yard like to eat everything and mess with all of the flowers. The nerve.
We still need to seal our marble-top kitchen table. It’s so pretty, but scratches easily. A bit of an oversight, but it’s so perfect I’ve gotten used to the imperfections made by (my) mistakes.
Someday in June the light fixture for over the dining room table will arrive and it will be glorious. Who wants to come over for dinner once it has been installed? I’m loving the concept of creating a “formal” dining space. Who am I, a grown up?
I’m excited for the custom shades to arrive for a few of our windows. But I know that will make me want to continue the project which is not really necessary right now. Window treatments (shades etc) are not cheap if you, like me, magically select the fanciest option every time a decision needs to be made. Is this skill a blessing or a curse?
My plans for my office are on hold because I’m basically working from the kitchen or the deck these days. I think I’ll get back to finishing it come fall when I know I’ll be primarily working from that space during my work-from-home days.
I’m so excited to be working on the plan for our main closet. I cannot wait for everything to be organized and easy to find. I’ll need a step-stool, but that’s a small price to pay for a space that (finally) has the current season’s clothing, and ample footwear, impeccably organized (I hope).
Speaking of shoes, I just can’t help myself. I ordered a pair of Superga sneakers I saw on Kate Middleton over a year ago and stalked them all over the Internet. I eventually found them, out of stock, and have been patiently waiting for them ever since. Fast-forward to now, and I just happened to be perusing the “new release” section on the Superga website. There they were! In stock! I gulped. I gasped. And then ordered them immediately. See? No self control. They will be here any day now. I cannot wait.
In other superficial news, I’m in that semi-anxious phase of chopping my hair. I haven’t cut it in over 15 months so it is way overdue for a cut and major change. I’m grateful for long, healthy, and thick hair, but my goodness I have no desire to spend time styling it every day. My plan is for a fairly major change, length close to the shoulders, with as little daily maintenance as possible. A tall order from this very short person. I’m psyched. I think. Did I mention I hate change and get sweaty and anxious before every haircut? Now you know.
What’s bringing me joy right now? Jeans. Proper-length jeans. A few weeks ago Seth helped me hem (read: cut with scissors) many pairs of jeans I own that I love, but kind of avoided wearing because they were just too long. I’m short, but don’t always buy the ankle-length option. And even when I do, they’re still long. I am short. So we spent a couple hours “hemming” the pants and what a joy it is now to get dressed. If you have never needed to shorten your pants, consider yourself lucky. It is rare to find a pair of jeans that are the right length. Now that most of mine are good-to-go, I’m praying that the raw edge hem remains in style forever. ;) That being said, I do cuff a few pairs, but it’s not my favorite option. I am picky and particular. I know.
My grandfather loved wicked hot coffee. And cookies.
One more thing that’s bringing me joy (again)? Baking. I took a pause from the flour, butter, and sugar when my grandfather passed away two weeks ago. He loved my homemade cookies, cakes, and more and we frequently talked about what kind he wanted me to bake next. I was so honored that he enjoyed my baking so much and I had so much fun regularly delivering him (and my grandmother) homemade sweets. Now that a couple weeks have gone by, I am gearing up to get back to baking because I know he would want me to keep it up. I know he would still want me to bake cookies for my family and friends and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. The cookies I bake next will be in his honor; my first batch of chocolate chip will (always) be dedicated to him.
Finally, the great outdoors will forever make me feel at peace. Whether I’m sitting on the deck, going for a walk, looking out the window, or getting a chance to be near the ocean, being outside always lifts my spirits. Fresh air is my favorite and even when it’s scorching hot, I love an open window and a big fan. Maybe it’s due to living in New England, having four specific seasons, but I will never take a sunny day for granted. Being outside makes me feel my best and consistently puts my mind at ease.
Until next time, this is life right now.