Life Right Now: June 2021
Welcome to the next installment of this new series, Life Right Now. For a refresher on how I organized this piece last month, I read over the May edition and realized I have a fair amount to report on! Not a ton has changed, but enough has happened that I’m happy to share the good news, the unexciting moments, and a general life update (hence the series’ title).
June is a wonderful month as it includes the start of summer, the presence of heat waves, and a general sense of ease/relaxation that really isn’t felt during the rest of the year. Yes, this next “quarter” of the year from now through August is my favorite section. Calendars aren’t too full, the weather is generally great (or very hot), and my attitude is a touch more “go with the flow.”
As much as I live for organization, details, and keeping everything on track (that’s my day job), I’m often happiest when making last-minute plans or having a day-trip adventure that we decide on during breakfast. I am not good at long-term vacation planning or making detailed agendas for said-trips. Funny, because I love the idea of a big vacation in the future, but when it comes down to planning it out, I’m actually not always thrilled to click “book now.” This mindset isn’t too helpful in regard to hotel booking, but I’ve come this far and I think I’m doing OK.
For everyone that makes summer plans months ahead and/or books their dream trip far, far, away (and long from now), I admire your gusto. And your ability to decide how to have fun long before it’s time to have said fun. It’s a skill I’d like to work on, but I’m also not in a rush. Everyone’s vacation (and planning) style is different and that is entirely acceptable.
For me, a vacation is not solely about going somewhere and doing something different than usual. While I love a good trip and some adventure, I’m just as happy chilling out on the deck, listening to the birds, and having a moment to not think about anything. It’s a real treat!
The month of June seemed to be filled with those little treats, mini adventures, and enjoying a new sense of normal, once again. We saw friends and sat outside for meals, we went to our first baseball game in three years(!), and we were able to start seeing family (fully vaccinated) without a cloud of worry hanging over the experience.
We’ve learned a lot over the last year and a half, but I think what stuck out most of all was to not take any experience, large or small, for granted. Every day is a gift and even the times that feel like “nothing” is going on are still joyful in their own, unique way.
Here’s what’s been going on this month as well as some of my favorite moments…
I finally cut my hair at the beginning of the month and it felt glorious! I chopped off several inches and now have a style that suits me, looks nice down or up, and is entirely manageable. I think I’ll keep this new length (just at my shoulders) for the long-run.
We went to a Red Sox game for the first time in three years. Wow! It was so fun to hang out, watch the game, and feel very "normal” for the first time in a while. I was glad it wasn’t a packed park, but there was enough of a crowd to “feel” the cheers, which was fun. One point: we will be eating dinner beforehand next time as the food options weren’t great.
Our custom blinds were hung in the kitchen and I’m so happy with them! It took a while, but the process was easy and now I’m beginning to think about shades/drapes for other rooms. Home decor has definitely entered the “marathon” phase and I’m taking my time to make sure I absolutely love each and every decision I make for our house.
If you’re in the market for a new AC unit, I’d strongly recommend one from the brand Midea. We have bought two for our house and they are terrific! Pretty easy to install and are extremely energy efficient. Plus, they are so much quieter than most air conditioners we’ve had in the past. If you have central air, then lucky you! ;)
Fried clams: summer food forever.
We’ve begun going out for dinner more often and have been loving eating outside (as long as it’s not too hot). Obviously we’re cooking the majority of the time, but it’s so nice to be able to go out if/when we decide to change it up. And low and behold, we actually ate inside during our quick trip to Maine. I was tentative at first, but we did it! Felt like ripping a band-aid off; I’m glad we finally went for it and are here to tell the tale (of course).
Speaking of Maine, we drove up north for a quick two-day work trip and it was our first hotel-stay since 2019! Wow. It was so nice to have a change of scenery and to be away, even briefly. We had some good food and I learned something important: I will forever be a person who prefers hotels in-town or in the city. Resorts are very nice if you like the amenities they offer; however, for me, I like to get “off campus” and explore so the resort setup wasn’t the best. Good information for next time! Regardless, I’m very glad I went along for the trip and I look forward to more getaways this summer and fall!
Follow along on Instagram for almost-daily garden updates. The flowers in our yard continue to bloom and surprise us constantly. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the hydrangea to bloom - hopefully any day now! Also, my new favorite color for roses is pale pink.
In case you weren’t aware, I’m still practicing for my driver’s license. Yup. It’s a goal for the summer to finally get this thing out of the way and become a licensed driver like the rest of you. This “thing” hasn’t been bothersome until now and at almost 36 years old, it’s about time I get it done! Stay tuned…
One of my favorite parts of our house is the outdoor space. Prepping the deck for summer was a number one priority in April when I just knew we’d be hanging outside a lot during the warm-weather months. Little did I know that we’d have so many heat waves, but I am extremely grateful to have outdoor space, and a deck, for hanging out all summer. Now, it’s time to start hosting some dinner parties!
Finally, the month of June coming to a close makes me realize just how quickly summer goes by. How are we about to begin July? I can’t even. However, with that mindset (time flies), I’m even more eager to appreciate every single day and every single moment of joy, goodness, and relaxation. I can’t slow down time, but I can notice the good bits even more and create great memories from even the most basic moments.
Happy summer, everyone!
Until next time, this is Life Right Now.
Summer as a photo.