On Our Table: Dinners of September, Part One
As we move along through September (already), I have decided to take our usual Dinner Review in a new direction. If you would like to see what we eat each night, I’d love for you to follow along on Instagram @glutenfreemollied. I post our dinner there almost every single night, each week. That’s a lot of food to see!
So while the nightly dishes are on IG, I want to continue sharing them here, but they will be in a summary format. I’ll be featuring a roundup of dinners twice a month sharing everything delicious we’ve been eating. And the recipes!
Additionally, I’m always available to help recommend specific meals, cookbooks, recipes, or ingredients. Questions about creating something delicious in the kitchen? Ask away. We want to make dinnertime easy - and fun - for everyone. Let’s get to the food!
Note: recipe links are provided when available. Interested in one of our original dishes? Leave a request in the comments!
So far in September we have been enjoying…
BlIstered cheesy peppers
The easiest (cheesiest) meatless meal, but also can double as a side dish. We’re making them again, no doubt, and possibly adding chorizo! Our version includes pinto beans and diced tomatoes for protein and extra color. Recipe by Molly Baz.
My forever-favorite comfort food. Not only is it divine on day one, but it becomes extra-glorious as leftovers for days afterward. Check out our recipe for this amazing meal - we subbed in pork this time instead of shrimp which is in the original.
Add on the greens and make this winning dish. A weeknight salad that’s super-quick, very flavorful, and always delicious. Crispy chickpeas are a protein superstar for our salads and this recipe is a surefire hit. Make extra for the next night!
Beef Meatballs and sauce
This is easily one of the best fall dishes - with or without spaghetti. We skipped the noodles on this particular night, but it was still a decadent, fabulous meal. Once again, the leftovers made an amazing lunch. This link takes you to our turkey meatball recipe; feel free to substitute with beef!
TAco salad bowl with shredded chicken
I’m here to announce that I’m often the happiest after dinner on the nights we make some version of this meal. This one includes spicy chipotle shredded chicken, homemade guacamole, and fresh corn, and was one of our best “taco nights” ever. Click the link for our first edition of the beloved taco bowl.
Keep it comfy with our never-fail dinner. It’s super-delicious and continues to be one of my favorite ways to eat kale (I prefer it cooked to raw). Feel free to mix-and-match the veggie and protein on this one to suit your tastebuds!
An extra night of greens with our go-to salad, but add a side of oven-roasted potatoes. Yes, I’d highly recommend enhancing a salad night with scrumptious roasted potatoes - just don’t forget to include a dipping sauce. Featured here is a garlicky yogurt sauce with olive oil, salt, and lemon juice.
deep dish veggie pizza
Our recent foray into making pizza from scratch, this was an adventure that turned out to be very delicious (if not somewhat messy). This gluten free pizza cookbook is chock-full of mouth-watering recipes.
Cheese-lovers unite for the most-awesome, most-satisfying dinner which I already want to make again. Easy to prepare and flavorful as ever, this dish may become a weeknight staple. It’s low-carb! ;) Recipe by Ashlea Carver Adams.
The best way to add some “fall” to your salad is by including roasted sweet potatoes! Our dinner-salad featured Jovial Foods cassava flour orzo pasta, which is grain free. Feel free to add a protein of your choice to this otherwise meatless, but marvelous meal. This would also be awesome with feta if you’re not in a blue mood. ;)
Ginger pork meatBalls and szechuan smaShed cucumber SalaD
Nothing like a favorite dish to jazz up a regular weeknight! This meal has so many amazing flavors and is always a hit. And you know I love meatballs! This dinner is from an incredible cookbook, Dinner by Melissa Clark. Do yourself a favor and order it today - it’s a staple on our bookshelf.
let’s eat, well.
Mollie and Seth